Here’s a few ways to get moving which are completely free.
Walking up and down your stairs.
Doing everyday tasks like stretching to get something off a tall shelf and vacuuming your home.
Walking to the supermarket.
Going to local parks for a walk or a gentle jog.
Visiting local green spaces for walks with friends or family.
At-home activities using household objects like a water bottle, a chair, or a tin of beans as equipment. There are links to activities ranging from beginner’s yoga to home workouts to online dance classes in our Resources.
Switching on the radio and letting loose.
Any of these options can help you get moving for free.
Find out more about getting moving at home or follow our five-minute workout designed for people living with long term health conditions.
Don’t forget to check out our full suite of Resources to see information on Home Exercises on our YouTube Channel, including the Make Your Move video series.
In addition to these digital resources, there are free smartphone apps that can help you track your activity. Looking for more on this? Take a look at our digital tools to help you move.