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Asthma and Lung Conditions

It’s normal to get out of breath when you’re active, but we know people with lung conditions get anxious about being breathless.  If you have a lung condition, being active can help improve your quality of life and support you to manage your condition. We can help you get active in a way that works for you and your lung condition. 

Asthma page

Benefits of moving more

Your next movement will be your best movement, and moving more makes you feel good and has lots of benefits, like: 

  • Increasing the strength in your muscles around your lungs and the rest of your body.

  • Lowering your stress levels, which can be a trigger for lung conditions like asthma.

  • Improving your immune system, helping to fight colds and flu.

  • Reducing anxiety and depression.

Hints and Tips

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Activity Routine
Hints and Tips Stay motivated

Building activity into your routine

Getting active doesn’t need to be about doing traditional exercises. It can just be about doing things that fit into your daily routine, as and when you can. Building activity into your regular routine is one of the best ways you can start to build a new habit.

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Ways to get active

See all ways to get active
Sandra Mindfullness
Videos Getting started

Mindfulness with Sandra

Take a moment to unwind with these mindful and meditative movements from Sandra. She'll guide you through a series of relaxing activities which will help to support your overall wellbeing.

Anne Dance
Videos Workout

Dance with Anne

Chair-based dance teacher Anne Little takes you through a really fun and energising dance session, broken down into 5 minute chunks with some really uplifting music.

FTM Kitchen
Videos Getting started

Kitchen Routine with Bill Bailey

Whether you're waiting for the kettle to boil or the microwave to ping, work up a sweat in the kitchen with these bite-sized movements from Bill Bailey!

FTM Garden
Videos Getting started

Garden Routine with Bill Bailey

Energise yourself with a refreshing garden workout. Follow Bill Bailey's bite-sized movements while enjoying the fresh air.

Videos Stay motivated

Energised with Gok

Up your energy levels by joining Darlaine, Gok, and Sandra as they guide you through a fun and active routine that'll leave you energised for the rest of the day.

Our stories

Explore more stories
Phoebe 2 No Crops No Logo
Our stories Asthma and Lung Conditions Swimming

Phoebe's story

Phoebe was diagnosed with MS, depression, anxiety and asthma in 2020, but has been able to manage her conditions with the help of her miniature dachshund, Noodle.

WAU Krisina Hero RGB
Our stories Asthma and Lung Conditions Walking and running

Krisina’s story

On the days she can, Krisina finds ways to run while managing her asthma.

WAU Ian Hero RGB
Our stories Asthma and Lung Conditions Getting active at home

Ian’s story

Ian’s home workouts allow him to stop and start, working around his energy levels and his lung condition.

Our stories Asthma and Lung Conditions Walking and running

Jat's story

Jat, who lives with asthma, finds free ways to get moving at home that fit around looking after his mum.

Asthma+Lung Short (1)

Asthma + Lung UK

Asthma + Lung UK is the lung health charity fighting for everyone’s right to breathe. We fund cutting-edge research, and provide advice and support for the 12 million people who will get a lung condition during their lifetime. We also campaign for clean air and for better NHS diagnosis and treatment. 

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