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My Daily Undefeatable

My Daily Undefeatable is designed to be a companion in your physical activity journey. It is there to support your steps towards building activity into your routine, whatever they might look like for you. It’s a simple 3-step check-in about how you feel when you get moving.

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Your check-in involves 3 simple questions: 

  1. How did you move today, big or small?

  2. How did the activity make you feel?

  3. How might you move tomorrow?

We know that living with a long term health conditions means that the way you feel every day is different. My Daily Undefeatable is a way of checking in with how you’re feeling each day and how you were able to move that day, or how you weren’t. It isn’t a challenge or activity plan, it’s a way to check in with yourself and map out a way to move more that works for you.
