Here’s a list of helpful tips to consider:
Always ask questions, and make sure you’re comfortable.
If you’re looking to be active from home, check out Royal Voluntary Service’s Virtual Village Hall which features over 850 free sessions available to view on-demand or join live.
Once you’ve found your new activity, take things at your own pace and take breaks when you need them.
Setbacks are normal, but try to stick with the activity if it is something you enjoy and go at your own pace.
If you’re not liking it, it’s fine to stop and find something new. Ultimately, being active is about finding something that you enjoy and that works for you.
Whether you’re just starting to be active or trying a new activity, we recommend building up to it gradually. Stop if you feel dizzy, unwell or your condition changes or worsens. If you’re having difficulty managing symptoms of your condition at the present time, condition specific information is available on relevant charity websites or on the NHS website. Or if you are still struggling, get in touch with your healthcare professional to discuss this further.
Relevant resources
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There are so many ways to get your body moving, depending on what works for you. Whether you like getting active on your own, or prefer to take part in team activities, we have the activity ideas for you.

Find activities you enjoy
Being active doesn’t have to involve traditional ways of moving. You can find something that you genuinely enjoy doing and have tonnes of fun doing it. It’s easier to stay motivated when you move in a way that you enjoy.

Royal Voluntary Service - Virtual Village Hall
Brought to you by the Royal Voluntary Service, the Virtual Village Hall is a free, online activity hub and community, designed to help people stay physically and mentally active, connected and having fun. Find out more by visiting their website.