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Digital tools to help you move

Explore a variety of free online resources designed to help you stay active. With countless videos, articles, and guides at your fingertips, you can start whenever you like. Choose between structured classes and written guides, designed to fit your schedule and circumstances.

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Here’s a few handy digital tools to help you get active: 

  • We Are Undefeatable app our app gives you free tailored exercise programmes that can be completed anywhere, anytime, and are suitable for a range of health conditions, no matter where you are in your journey.
  • Active 10 app – This can help you track brisk walking that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine. 

  • Couch to 5k app – An app which can help you to build up your activity at your own pace.

  • Couch to Fitness – A free online programme where you can start small at home and build up. 

Any of these tools, or one of the many others can help you get moving. It’s all about finding little, manageable, and enjoyable ways to add activity into your routine and these digital tools can help you find the thing that works for you.

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We Are Undefeatable App

The We Are Undefeatable app gives you free tailored exercise programmes that can be completed anywhere, anytime, and are suitable for a range of health conditions, no matter where you are in your journey.

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Active 10

Download the free Active 10 app, which anonymously records every minute of walking you do. It can be a great way to keep you motivated. Just pop your phone in your pocket and away you go!

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Couch to 5K

Taking up running can seem like a scary prospect, especially if you are living with a long-term health condition. Download the free NHS Couch to 5K app to help you gradually work up towards running 5km in a period that works for you.

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Couch to Fitness

Enjoy getting active from home by following Couch to Fitness's online workout that is suitable for all levels of fitness and flexible to fit into your schedule.

Visit Couch to Fitness