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Getting active at home

Who says you have to be outdoors to get moving? There are plenty of activities that you can do at home to stay active.

Active Home

There are a variety of activities that can be done at home, depending on what you have available to you and the kind of movements you’re looking to do. Find something that’s low-intensity or pick something that’s more vigorous.  

Everyday household objects can be used when you’re getting active at home too – you could use tins of beans as light weights and a rolled-up tea towel as a resistance band. 

Our YouTube channel can be a great place for you to start finding the movements that suit you. You can also keep active at home with Royal Voluntary Service’s Virtual Village Hall

If you don’t fancy traditional home workouts, there are plenty of other ways you can get moving at home. You could put on your favourite music and get dancing, like Meg and Tania.   

If you have outdoor space at home, this can be a great way to get moving at home while enjoying some fresh air. Tommy got creative in his garden and used it to set up his own golf course. You may also find that gardening is a great way to get your heart rate up and stretch your muscles.

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