Tania’s story
Tania wasn’t very active until she was diagnosed with cancer. Her depression after chemo made it even more difficult to get moving on her not-so-good days. But she’s found that getting up on her feet, even if it’s just dancing around the kitchen, can help in more ways than one. Tania went from being fairly inactive to walking to the shops more often and sometimes even going for an occasional run – something she never thought she’d do before.

How Tania gets moving
Before her diagnosis, Tania wasn’t very active at all, but since starting to move more, she’s found many ways to work activity into her life. Tania does things that she finds enjoyable, first and foremost. This can mean getting active with her daughter by dancing around the house or going on walks with friends as a way to catch up. By making being active a social affair, she’s found it all the more enjoyable.
Despite a challenging time with her mental health, Tania has managed to keep active since we met her, thanks to the support of her family. She continues to dance around the house, saying that getting moving “isn’t a magic wand, but it really does help” with her mood. She has also made a friend through getting active and, with her encouragement and similar sense of humour, is aiming to walk further and see new places.

Walking and running
Whether you walk at a gentle pace, pick up speed and jog, or go further by running, set your own rhythm and get move in a way that suits you.