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Jagdeep’s Parkinson’s diagnosis came as a shock, but after some research, he decided to take up boxing.

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Parkinson's Muscle weakness Sensory issues Loss of balance

Jagdeep’s story

“I found that exercise, and in particular boxing, would benefit people with Parkinson's.”

Jagdeep’s Parkinson’s diagnosis came as a shock, but after some research, he decided to take up boxing.

Jagdeep struggled to get a diagnosis on the symptoms he was experiencing, like the tremor developing in his hands. He finds the tremors harder to cope with in his right hand, and sometimes finds it difficult to hold a cup of tea. Despite challenges like this, Jagdeep still enjoys cooking traditional Indian dishes for his family, even though he jokes that his kids prefer their mum’s cooking

How Jagdeep gets moving

Jagdeep had always been active before his diagnosis, and wasn’t about to let his condition stop him. Jagdeep had been a keen kickboxer, and discovered that non-combative boxing was recommended for people with Parkinson’s. Jagdeep tries to get moving for 25 minutes every day, but is keen to point out that “you don’t have to do 25 minutes all in one go”. Instead, he likes to split his activity throughout the day, from going on a short walk, to putting his gloves on and boxing in his back garden.


Parkinson's Muscle weakness Sensory issues Loss of balance
Tablets (1)


Parkinson’s is a neurological condition that affects a person’s motor and non-motor functions. There are more than 40 known symptoms, from tremor and pain to anxiety so there isn’t one way to get moving.

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