Darren’s story
“I’m not doing nothing too hard, not trying to keep up with Wiggins or Redgrave.”
Darren has always taken life – and managing his conditions – in his stride, his sense of humour buoying him through any slips and setbacks. This was put to the test during the pandemic, as Darren had to stay home and shield. But as always, he found ways to add a silver lining, cracking jokes with his family, doing garden improvements, and even building a home gym in his shed. Nowadays, he’ll still join his sons for a light workout as they egg each other on and give one another a bit of a ribbing. After all, being active is far better when there’s a bit of banter involved.

How Darren gets moving
Darren has been using the home gym he’s set up in his shed as a way stay active, lifting weights and using a stationary bike. He also keeps on his feet around the home, making sure things stay tidy and enjoys taking the family dog, Molly, out for her daily walks!
Throughout the pandemic, Darren took part in the Team Undefeatable Virtual Walking Football team and enjoyed practicing new ball skills in his back garden and having a kick about with family members too.

For people living with diabetes, moving more is good for your overall health and your diabetes. Every step taken to moving more can help you with managing your condition, so there’s plenty of ways you can find movement that works for you.

Arthritis and MSK conditions
For people living with long-term arthritis or other musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions, the changing nature of the conditions, combined with the impact of pain, fatigue and low moods, can make the idea of physical activity seem overwhelming. But being active can help you manage your condition and improve your quality of life. We are here to help you find tailored activities you can enjoy, that are just right for you.

Getting active at home
Who said you have to be outdoors to get moving? There’s plenty that can be done at home to stay active.