Darlaine’s story
“My sister has been my rock.”
Darlaine was diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer, and after a lot of research about mastectomies she decided to “just get rid of ‘em”. She embraced her new appearance with an intricate flower tattoo across her chest, each flower representing someone in her family who supported her through her condition. She also found friendship with a number of other women with lobular breast cancer, and together they aim to support each other through the ups and downs of living with the condition.

How Darlaine gets moving
Darlaine began swimming as a way to loosen the muscles and scar tissue around her breasts after her bilateral mastectomy. In the pool, Darlaine has also created her own exercises and routines based on Tai Chi, which she jokes makes her look like a “silly 60- something in a floral pink swimming hat”. She likes the peace that comes with getting active solo in the pool, and also enjoys it when she can visit her sister on the coast and have a laugh together about how entertaining Darlaine looks doing her movements in the sea.
Darlaine is proud to be learning to listen to her body, resting when she needs and taking it easy after her most recent surgery , saying that “small steps, little and often” is what currently works best for her. She’s still determined to get out walking as much as she can with friends and can’t wait for some time to head down to the beach for a swim in the sea.

A cancer diagnosis can make things feel very uncertain and living with a long-term condition after your diagnosis is difficult. Being active before, during and after treatment can improve your outlook and help you manage your symptoms. Because it doesn’t matter whether it’s something small and new, or just that little bit more of something you already do. It all makes a difference.

Take a dip, try water aerobics, walk in water, or count lengths as you move through water in a way that works for you.

A cancer diagnosis can make things feel very uncertain and living with a long-term condition after your diagnosis is difficult. Being active before, during and after treatment can improve your outlook and help you manage your symptoms. Because it doesn’t matter whether it’s something small and new, or just that little bit more of something you already do. It all makes a difference.

Find activities you enjoy
Being active doesn’t have to involve traditional ways of moving. You can find something that you genuinely enjoy doing and have tonnes of fun doing it. It’s easier to stay motivated when you move in a way that you enjoy.