Freedom to Move

Being active doesn’t have to require a costly investment. In fact, We Are Undefeatable is here to help you find ways you can be more physically active that can be as simple and enjoyable as moving more whilst going about your day-to-day activities at home.

Teaming up with Bill Bailey and some familiar We Are Undefeatable faces, we’ve created three easy to follow videos that show you the free ways you can stay active through everyday activities that can be done from your own home and are suited to everyone’s capabilities.


    Gardening is a holistic workout that combines squatting, bending, lifting and reaching. Getting out in nature can give you a sense of freedom, a source of Vitamin D, and fresh air in your lungs.


    Kicking off your day by making your bed could have benefits including reducing stress, helping to clear your mind and boost your mood. It’s a great mini workout to change the sheets too!


    Vacuuming and sweeping the floor engages your arms and shoulders while you move around your home, providing a light whole body cardio workout. For a more active session, why not turn on your favourite music and dance around your room as you clean.


    Carrying heavy bags of food shopping from the supermarket to your home is a combined cardio and weightlifting exercise in disguise. Shopping bags act as weights, giving you the opportunity to strengthen your arm muscles.

Ways To Move Page
  • Jagdeep

    Lives with Parkinson's

    I’ve always enjoyed being active, so even after my Parkinson’s diagnosis I’ve made the effort to make sure I get moving in whatever way I can. Whether it’s going on a short walk or putting my gloves on and boxing in the garden, there’s so many free ways you can find the movements that work for you to help you feel better.

  • Bill Bailey

    We Are Undefeatable Ambassador

    Finding ways to boost your physical activity can be a challenge if you’re living with a long-term health condition. I had fun making these videos that suggest some additional movement ideas, simple ways you can increase your activity levels at home. Nothing too fancy! Just by going about your day-to-day activities at home you can liven up your day, and these videos are there to help you find the moves that work best for you.

  • Freedom To Move - Kitchen Routine

  • Freedom To Move - Garden Routine

    Get moving with Bill, Jagdeep, and Sandra from the garden or outdoor space

  • Freedom To Move - Bedroom Routine

Make Your Move

Did you love our Freedom To Move series? You might like to take the next step and try the 'Make Your Move' series of simple and varied activity videos that are designed to improve strength, balance, coordination, energy and stamina and relieve stress.

Living with a health condition can sometimes be unpredictable and how we feel day-to-day can be up and down. But moving our bodies for for how ever long we are able to that day can help to lift our mood and build up to doing more!

More Ways to Get Moving

If you enjoyed these 5 minute routines, why not check out these other resources.

Move To Your Mood

We’ve teamed up with Gok Wan and some familiar We Are Undefeatable faces to show you three different physical activity routines, to get you moving whatever mood you’re feeling.

Move To Your Mood - with Gok Wan